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Congo Town Airport, Andros I (MYAK)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's
Live Departures & Arrivals
There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.
Arrivals History (last 12 months)
No arrival history to display.
Runway Information (Airport elevation: 20ft)
Runway | 10 | Length | 5,341ft | Width | 101ft | Elevation | 18ft | Surface | Asphalt | Heading | 101 |
Runway | 28 | Length | 5,341ft | Width | 101ft | Elevation | 18ft | Surface | Asphalt | Heading | 281 |
Airport Frequencies
Type | FSS | Frequency | 124.200 Mhz |
Type | FSS | Frequency | 128.000 Mhz |
Type | UC | Frequency | 122.800 Mhz |
Airport Navaids
No navaids to display.