Flight Report

Flight Date
04 Jul 2024 22:07 UTC
Review Status
Flight Number
Departure ICAO
Arrival ICAO
Alternate ICAO
Cessna Skyhawk Floaters Asobo
Fuel Used
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Flight Duration
Flight XP
Performance Score
Landing Rate
Flight Type

Skill Analysis (47%)

Stall Detected
Crash Detected
Landing Lights Below 10k
Landing Lights Above 10k
Overspeed / Stress Detected
Taxi Overspeed
Overspeed below 10k
Beacon Off Engine On
Slew Detected
Pause Detected

Take-off/Landing Analysis (Landing Rate -143fpm)

Take-off G-Force
Rotate Speed
Rotate Pitch
Rotate Bank
Gear-up Speed
Gear-up Altitude
Take-Off Winds
TAT Departure/Arrival
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Speed
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Speed
Gear-down Altitude
Landing Winds
Touch-Down Spoilers Deployed

Flight Log

[19:47:33utc] You have successfully logged in Alberto Mesini.
[20:38:45utc] Your flight to LIRZ has now been started.
[20:38:46utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[20:41:31utc] Landing lights ON
[20:41:40utc] Starting engine(s)
[20:45:55utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[20:50:49utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 270/1kt
[20:51:13utc] Departing LIRS, IAS 93kt, G-force 1.01g, pitch -1.14deg, bank 0.59deg, VS 26fpm, HDG 211deg
[20:51:22utc] Aircraft at 120ft, IAS 90kt, GS 93kt, HDG 209deg, TAT 16deg, WIND 270/1kt
[20:52:00utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 77kt, GS 84kt, VS 82fpm, ALT 550ft, PITCH -3.71deg, HDG 177deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 267/2kt
[20:53:18utc] Aircraft at 1220ft, IAS 88kt, GS 95kt, HDG 031deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 275/2kt
[20:53:38utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 103kt, GS 107kt, VS 219fpm, ALT 1250ft, PITCH -1.71deg, HDG 026deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 272/2kt
[20:57:29utc] Aircraft at 1990ft, IAS 109kt, GS 115kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 271/2kt
[20:58:02utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 103kt, GS 109kt, VS 770fpm, ALT 2090ft, PITCH -4.57deg, HDG 132deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 269/2kt
[20:59:10utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2780ft, IAS 88kt, GS 97kt, HDG 133deg, VS -60fpm, TAT 12deg, WIND 264/2kt
[20:59:19utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 94kt, GS 103kt, HDG 132deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 268/2kt
[20:59:39utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 105kt, GS 113kt, VS 56fpm, ALT 2780ft, PITCH -0.89deg, HDG 132deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 266/2kt
[20:59:41utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 105kt, GS 113kt, HDG 132deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 269/2kt
[20:59:47utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 107kt, GS 115kt, VS 51fpm, ALT 2780ft, PITCH -0.41deg, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 274/2kt
[20:59:50utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[20:59:52utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2780ft, IAS 109kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, VS -124fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[20:59:54utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[20:59:55utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, VS 66fpm, ALT 2780ft, PITCH -0.53deg, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[20:59:58utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:00:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 132deg, VS -82fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:00:02utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:00:03utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, VS 58fpm, ALT 2780ft, PITCH -0.69deg, HDG 132deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 273/2kt
[21:00:06utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 275/2kt
[21:00:32utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, VS 53fpm, ALT 2780ft, PITCH -0.39deg, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:00:33utc] Aircraft at 2780ft, IAS 109kt, GS 117kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 269/2kt
[21:07:08utc] Gear UP, IAS 115kt, GS 122kt, ALT 2780ft
[21:09:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2750ft, IAS 114kt, GS 122kt, HDG 106deg, VS -268fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 272/2kt
[21:10:26utc] Aircraft at 2590ft, IAS 109kt, GS 117kt, HDG 120deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 268/2kt
[21:10:36utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2560ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 121deg, VS -116fpm, TAT 15deg, WIND 267/2kt
[21:10:48utc] Aircraft at 2550ft, IAS 106kt, GS 115kt, HDG 122deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:10:50utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2540ft, IAS 106kt, GS 115kt, HDG 123deg, VS -224fpm, TAT 15deg, WIND 267/2kt
[21:11:36utc] Aircraft at 2340ft, IAS 103kt, GS 111kt, HDG 111deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:11:48utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2290ft, IAS 105kt, GS 113kt, HDG 112deg, VS -600fpm, TAT 15deg, WIND 267/2kt
[21:12:22utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 86kt
[21:12:51utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 88kt
[21:13:26utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 96kt
[21:14:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:10utc] Aircraft at 1000ft, IAS 40kt, GS 51kt, HDG 090deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/1kt
[21:14:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:14:35utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[21:15:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:15:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:15:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:15:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:39utc] FLAPS 2
[21:17:39utc] FLAPS 1
[21:17:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:39utc] FLAPS UP
[21:17:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:47utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:17:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:19:34utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 93kt, GS 99kt, VS 602fpm, ALT 1580ft, PITCH -4.95deg, HDG 054deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 271/2kt
[21:22:01utc] Aircraft at 3000ft, IAS 108kt, GS 117kt, HDG 077deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 280/3kt
[21:24:42utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2930ft, IAS 107kt, GS 115kt, HDG 024deg, VS -918fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 272/2kt
[21:26:16utc] Aircraft at 1700ft, IAS 119kt, GS 122kt, HDG 345deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 269/2kt
[21:26:16utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 118kt, GS 121kt, VS 57fpm, ALT 1710ft, PITCH -0.44deg, HDG 344deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:26:24utc] Aircraft at 1750ft, IAS 116kt, GS 119kt, HDG 328deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 264/3kt
[21:26:40utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 105kt, GS 109kt, VS 1044fpm, ALT 1860ft, PITCH -5.18deg, HDG 294deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 265/2kt
[21:28:19utc] Aircraft at 3000ft, IAS 95kt, GS 101kt, HDG 352deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 284/5kt
[21:28:24utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 101kt, GS 109kt, VS 63fpm, ALT 3000ft, PITCH -0.58deg, HDG 351deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 270/3kt
[21:28:30utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 3000ft, IAS 106kt, GS 113kt, HDG 350deg, VS -81fpm, TAT 12deg, WIND 271/3kt
[21:28:36utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 109kt, GS 117kt, VS 55fpm, ALT 3000ft, PITCH -0.76deg, HDG 351deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 269/2kt
[21:28:41utc] Aircraft at 3010ft, IAS 111kt, GS 119kt, HDG 352deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 211/5kt
[21:29:44utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 109kt, GS 117kt, VS 81fpm, ALT 3000ft, PITCH 0.44deg, HDG 350deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 254/3kt
[21:29:47utc] Aircraft at 3000ft, IAS 111kt, GS 117kt, HDG 350deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 280/3kt
[21:31:08utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 115kt, GS 122kt, VS 86fpm, ALT 3000ft, PITCH 1.37deg, HDG 351deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 267/4kt
[21:31:09utc] Aircraft at 3000ft, IAS 116kt, GS 122kt, HDG 350deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 274/4kt
[21:32:48utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 115kt, GS 121kt, VS 81fpm, ALT 2990ft, PITCH 0.86deg, HDG 350deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 262/3kt
[21:32:49utc] Aircraft at 2990ft, IAS 115kt, GS 121kt, HDG 350deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 276/3kt
[21:34:12utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 112kt, GS 119kt, VS 59fpm, ALT 2990ft, PITCH 1.26deg, HDG 350deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 263/5kt
[21:34:21utc] Aircraft at 2990ft, IAS 114kt, GS 121kt, HDG 350deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 272/3kt
[21:34:23utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2990ft, IAS 115kt, GS 121kt, HDG 350deg, VS -86fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 272/3kt
[21:34:29utc] Aircraft at 2990ft, IAS 114kt, GS 121kt, HDG 350deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 272/2kt
[21:37:44utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2940ft, IAS 113kt, GS 119kt, HDG 353deg, VS -544fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 273/3kt
[21:38:02utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 110kt, GS 117kt, VS 116fpm, ALT 2920ft, PITCH 0.23deg, HDG 358deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 265/3kt
[21:38:15utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2880ft, IAS 112kt, GS 119kt, HDG 358deg, VS -336fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 274/2kt
[21:39:38utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 94kt
[21:39:48utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 80kt
[21:39:55utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 81kt
[21:41:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:14utc] Aircraft at 830ft, IAS 46kt, GS 54kt, HDG 024deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/1kt
[21:41:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:41:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:44:12utc] FLAPS 2
[21:44:12utc] FLAPS 1
[21:44:13utc] FLAPS UP
[21:45:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:45:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[21:46:56utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1220ft, IAS 66kt, GS 76kt, HDG 109deg, VS -96fpm, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:47:02utc] Aircraft at 1220ft, IAS 78kt, GS 86kt, HDG 107deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:47:04utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1210ft, IAS 81kt, GS 89kt, HDG 106deg, VS -99fpm, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:47:08utc] Aircraft at 1220ft, IAS 86kt, GS 93kt, HDG 104deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:47:24utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 80kt, GS 89kt, VS 432fpm, ALT 1420ft, PITCH -5.02deg, HDG 100deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 272/2kt
[21:48:45utc] Aircraft at 2220ft, IAS 66kt, GS 78kt, HDG 078deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 269/2kt
[21:49:51utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 110kt, GS 117kt, VS 477fpm, ALT 2290ft, PITCH -1.5deg, HDG 114deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 269/3kt
[21:51:48utc] Aircraft at 2990ft, IAS 110kt, GS 119kt, HDG 081deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 268/3kt
[21:54:55utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2970ft, IAS 122kt, GS 130kt, HDG 074deg, VS -283fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 274/2kt
[21:55:11utc] Aircraft at 2960ft, IAS 120kt, GS 128kt, HDG 072deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 267/2kt
[21:55:23utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2920ft, IAS 120kt, GS 128kt, HDG 074deg, VS -339fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 270/2kt
[21:55:42utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 118kt, GS 126kt, VS 60fpm, ALT 2900ft, PITCH -1.27deg, HDG 079deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 276/2kt
[21:55:50utc] Aircraft at 2940ft, IAS 111kt, GS 121kt, HDG 089deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 274/3kt
[21:55:59utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2810ft, IAS 120kt, GS 128kt, HDG 096deg, VS -996fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 279/2kt
[21:56:35utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 113kt, GS 121kt, ALT 2640ft
[21:57:02utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 100kt, GS 109kt, VS 357fpm, ALT 2600ft, PITCH -1.13deg, HDG 121deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 274/3kt
[21:57:16utc] Aircraft at 2580ft, IAS 101kt, GS 109kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 264/2kt
[21:57:32utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2560ft, IAS 101kt, GS 109kt, HDG 165deg, VS -898fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 273/3kt
[21:59:05utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 81kt
[21:59:10utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 75kt
[21:59:22utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 76kt
[22:00:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[22:00:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -143fpm, touchdown speed 49kt, G-force 1.17g, pitch -2.81deg, bank -0.11deg
[22:02:53utc] FLAPS UP
[22:03:17utc] Landing lights OFF
[22:05:48utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[22:05:48utc] Aircraft parked