Flight Report

Flight Date
19 Feb 2024
Review Status
Flight Number
Departure ICAO
Arrival ICAO
Alternate ICAO
Cessna Skyhawk Floaters Asobo
Fuel Used
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Flight Duration
Flight XP
Performance Score
Landing Rate
Flight Type

Skill Analysis (36%)

Stall Detected
Crash Detected
Landing Lights Below 10k
Landing Lights Above 10k
Overspeed / Stress Detected
Taxi Overspeed
Overspeed below 10k
Beacon Off Engine On
Slew Detected
Pause Detected

Take-off/Landing Analysis (Landing Rate -458fpm)

Take-off G-Force
Rotate Speed
Rotate Pitch
Rotate Bank
Gear-up Speed
Gear-up Altitude
Take-Off Winds
TAT Departure/Arrival
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Speed
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Speed
Gear-down Altitude
Landing Winds
Touch-Down Spoilers Deployed

Flight Log

[16:48:26utc] You have successfully logged in Alberto Mesini.
[16:53:37utc] Your flight to LIRI has now been started.
[16:53:37utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[16:56:13utc] Starting engine(s)
[16:56:25utc] Landing lights ON
[16:57:49utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[16:59:41utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 270/1kt
[16:59:59utc] Departing LICA, IAS 84kt, G-force 1.02g, pitch -1.74deg, bank -6.44deg, VS -21fpm, HDG 275deg
[17:00:07utc] Gear UP, IAS 83kt, GS 86kt, ALT 120ft
[17:00:08utc] Aircraft at 120ft, IAS 83kt, GS 86kt, HDG 279deg, TAT 16deg, WIND 270/1kt
[17:00:54utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 81kt, GS 84kt, VS 1281fpm, ALT 630ft, PITCH -12.84deg, HDG 275deg, TAT 15deg, WIND 269/2kt
[17:02:25utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1620ft, IAS 70kt, GS 74kt, HDG 305deg, VS -105fpm, TAT 12deg, WIND 260/5kt
[17:02:51utc] Aircraft at 1600ft, IAS 104kt, GS 109kt, HDG 349deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 262/5kt
[17:41:39utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 114kt, GS 117kt, VS 279fpm, ALT 1650ft, PITCH -1.24deg, HDG 331deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 269/1kt
[17:41:50utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1580ft, IAS 113kt, GS 117kt, HDG 331deg, VS -769fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 266/1kt
[17:42:45utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 81kt
[17:42:58utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 82kt
[17:43:04utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 79kt
[17:43:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:43:52utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[17:47:16utc] FLAPS 2
[17:47:17utc] FLAPS 1
[17:47:17utc] FLAPS UP
[17:47:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:38utc] Aircraft at 0ft, IAS 41kt, GS 51kt, HDG 202deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 270/0kt
[17:47:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:47:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[17:48:47utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 60kt, GS 68kt, VS 372fpm, ALT 600ft, PITCH -6.46deg, HDG 219deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 270/0kt
[17:49:14utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 430ft, IAS 115kt, GS 111kt, HDG 274deg, VS 1593fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 261/0kt
[17:49:23utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 81kt, GS 86kt, VS 1393fpm, ALT 790ft, PITCH -8.99deg, HDG 294deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 262/0kt
[17:54:21utc] Aircraft at 3750ft, IAS 66kt, GS 74kt, HDG 066deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 007/3kt
[17:54:33utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 80kt, GS 87kt, VS 64fpm, ALT 3760ft, PITCH -3.22deg, HDG 056deg, TAT 7deg, WIND 010/3kt
[17:55:17utc] Aircraft at 4180ft, IAS 70kt, GS 78kt, HDG 047deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 022/4kt
[17:55:55utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 94kt, GS 99kt, VS 865fpm, ALT 4280ft, PITCH -5.75deg, HDG 046deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 025/4kt
[17:56:43utc] Aircraft at 4770ft, IAS 77kt, GS 84kt, HDG 040deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 034/4kt
[17:56:44utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 78kt, GS 84kt, VS 59fpm, ALT 4770ft, PITCH -2.66deg, HDG 040deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 033/4kt
[17:56:48utc] Aircraft at 4780ft, IAS 82kt, GS 87kt, HDG 041deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 028/4kt
[17:56:52utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 86kt, GS 91kt, VS 170fpm, ALT 4780ft, PITCH -3.85deg, HDG 040deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 029/5kt
[17:57:45utc] Aircraft at 5270ft, IAS 71kt, GS 78kt, HDG 032deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 047/5kt
[17:57:50utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 75kt, GS 82kt, VS 63fpm, ALT 5270ft, PITCH -5.36deg, HDG 031deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 047/5kt
[17:58:47utc] Aircraft at 5680ft, IAS 73kt, GS 82kt, HDG 021deg, TAT 3deg, WIND 055/6kt
[18:02:22utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5600ft, IAS 98kt, GS 103kt, HDG 052deg, VS -328fpm, TAT 4deg, WIND 040/6kt
[18:05:13utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 78kt
[18:05:21utc] FLAPS 2
[18:05:25utc] FLAPS FULL
[18:05:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:38utc] Aircraft at 1730ft, IAS 44kt, GS 52kt, HDG 286deg, TAT 11deg, WIND 264/2kt
[18:05:40utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1730ft, IAS 42kt, GS 51kt, HDG 286deg, VS -99fpm, TAT 11deg, WIND 264/2kt
[18:05:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:05:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:22utc] FLAPS 2
[18:08:23utc] FLAPS 1
[18:08:32utc] FLAPS UP
[18:08:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:56utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:08:56utc] Aircraft at 1720ft, IAS 45kt, GS 52kt, HDG 288deg, TAT 11deg, WIND 263/2kt
[18:08:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:12:30utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 64kt, GS 72kt, VS 464fpm, ALT 2330ft, PITCH -7.41deg, HDG 276deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 278/2kt
[18:17:34utc] Aircraft at 4690ft, IAS 89kt, GS 103kt, HDG 241deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 036/5kt
[18:17:35utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 4680ft, IAS 90kt, GS 105kt, HDG 241deg, VS -92fpm, TAT 6deg, WIND 035/5kt
[18:17:45utc] Aircraft at 4660ft, IAS 98kt, GS 111kt, HDG 240deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 027/5kt
[18:17:54utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 101kt, GS 115kt, VS 75fpm, ALT 4670ft, PITCH -1.57deg, HDG 242deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 022/5kt
[18:17:56utc] Aircraft at 4680ft, IAS 102kt, GS 115kt, HDG 242deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 026/5kt
[18:18:04utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 4600ft, IAS 108kt, GS 121kt, HDG 242deg, VS -509fpm, TAT 6deg, WIND 019/5kt
[18:18:23utc] Aircraft at 4530ft, IAS 105kt, GS 117kt, HDG 265deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 020/6kt
[18:18:37utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 4500ft, IAS 102kt, GS 111kt, HDG 286deg, VS -234fpm, TAT 6deg, WIND 018/5kt
[18:19:33utc] Aircraft at 3980ft, IAS 89kt, GS 95kt, HDG 309deg, TAT 7deg, WIND 356/4kt
[18:20:30utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 3940ft, IAS 98kt, GS 105kt, HDG 306deg, VS -485fpm, TAT 7deg, WIND 008/4kt
[18:21:16utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 95kt, GS 99kt, VS 53fpm, ALT 3600ft, PITCH -2.26deg, HDG 340deg, TAT 8deg, WIND 345/4kt
[18:21:20utc] Aircraft at 3610ft, IAS 92kt, GS 97kt, HDG 345deg, TAT 8deg, WIND 347/3kt
[18:39:04utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 3530ft, IAS 114kt, GS 122kt, HDG 258deg, VS -729fpm, TAT 9deg, WIND 023/3kt
[18:42:23utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 72kt, GS 80kt, ALT 1150ft
[18:42:26utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 75kt
[18:42:42utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 79kt
[18:42:58utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 77kt
[18:43:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -458fpm, touchdown speed 60kt, G-force 1.58g, pitch -3.46deg, bank -1.26deg
[18:45:52utc] Landing lights OFF
[18:45:54utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[18:45:54utc] Aircraft parked

Altitude Profile